Friday, November 21, 2014

My Take on the Primal Blueprint Certification

Just recently I had the privilege of officially completing Mark Sisson's "Primal Blueprint Certification Course."  Because I am still battling the effects of Chronic Lyme Disease, class, assignment, and test deadlines are all things out of the picture.  There are still many debilitating symptoms that I experience on a daily basis, and doctor's appointments are what fill the majority of my week.  Therefore, not only is participating in a regular, regimented class physically impossible, the strain of having to focus on an a deadline would ultimately defeat the purpose of doing the class, as it would only hinder my healing process.  That being said, I am always on the hunt for programs that are flexible, allow students to work at their own pace, and fit into my love for the human body, science, and food.  When I heard Mark talk about his program on The Paleo View, a podcast hosted by two of my favorite bloggers, the Paleo Parents, and the Paleo Mom, I knew it was perfect for me.  I have always been a fan of his Primal lifestyle philosophy, and knew that taking the course would only further my ability to help not only my own body, but anyone else I come in contact with in the future. I am proud to announce that I am the 79th certified expert, and more than likely the only chronically ill, 18 year old girl who has completed it.  Though this is exciting in and of itself, I hope others will be inspired to accomplish the same and grow the Primal Blueprint community!

The Primal Blueprint certification course is a thirteen module study program, each lesson including virtual educational videos, reading materials, and an exam. Once introduced to the program, Mark takes you through the eight key concepts of Primal living, all of which you can apply to not only your life, but every other human being that is living or yet to be born.  Ultimately, it is a program designed for anyone, young and old, to take their own health to a  new, peak level. It allows you to be officially affiliated with the Primal Blueprint brand, simultaneously becoming active in a movement that has allowed thousands to reclaim their health, sculpt their bodies, and sharpen their minds.  Though this enlightening course is a first in ancestral health, it easily surpasses all others in that it can be done from the comfort of your own home.


Instead of being a boring course filled with information about unrealistic diet, lifestyle, and exercise goals, the Primal Blueprint Certification truly invests in one's future.  Whether for
growth in one's medical, health, and (or) fitness business, or simply for personal knowledge, it allows one to dive deeper into what it really means to "get back to human," and thrive in today's modern world.  Not only did this course help me understand at an even deeper level of how the body is truly effected by all aspects of life (food, movement, sleep, play, technology, etc), but it also was very freeing.  By breaking all of the food, exercise, and body myths of conventional wisdom, it allows one to realize that living a healthy life is not as hard as the media has made it seem!

"Carbohydrates are necessary for energy"

"Running on the treadmill is the only way to lose weight"

"Whole grains are better than white bread"

"Drinking raw milk is incredibly dangerous" 

"Vegetable oils are heart healthy, but saturated fat will kill you."

"Eating steak will rise your risk of a heart attack

"Avoid the sun, it will give you cancer"

"Fat makes you fat"

"Avoid sugar because it is just empty calories"

"If you work out enough, you can eat anything"

"The calories in:out ratio is vital for weight management"

"Genetic predispositions are impossible to reverse"

"Quantity over quality makes you a better athlete"

"Accelerated aging is inevitable" 

"Organic food is always the best"

Says industry simply looking out for their best interest, not yours. 

Being healthy is not about dietary restriction, a consistent exercise regimen, and other impractical lifestyle and diet goals modern living has made us believe are necessary.  Instead, having fun, being outdoors, enjoying sleep, tanning in the sun, using food as fuel AND medicine, and many other enjoyable activities, are all aspects of life that, when combined together, lead to effortless health. If you feed and treat your body the way it was made and intended, it will run like a lean, mean, fat-burning machine. 

Yes - despite the odds, you can reprogram your genes.

Yes - your body prefers fat as fuel over carbohydrates.

Yes - 80% of your body weight is determined by what you eat (NOT how many calories you burn).

No - grains are not necessary for living.

No - saturated fat and cholesterol are not the enemy.

No - exercise alone is not effective for weight management.

No - achieving maximum fitness does not require running on a treadmill.

The Primal Blueprint certification course allows one to realize that YES - living primally in a modern world is possible, easy, and surprisingly effortless, when all conventional dogma is laid aside. 

No more diet plans for weight loss, no more hours at the gym to get in shape, no more spending a fortune to feed the family, no more guilt after weekend indulgences, no more feeling lazy after taking a nap or skipping a workout.  Instead, this certification course directs one to learn how to navigate the grocery store, gym, work place, and home, as well as play, technology, sleep, eating, and all other components of today's busy life.  Ultimately, finding health should not be hard, stressful, or strenuous on one mentally or physically.  All that is truly need is responsibility, accountability, and the right mind set, all of which the Primal Certification course help you, or those you are teaching, obtain.  

I see how work stresses people out, how wanting to exercise is more of a chore than a liberating activity, and how food becomes an obsessive, unhealthy relationship.  Not only does today's world feed us lies that ultimately degrade our health, but people themselves are too afraid to go against the grain (no pun intended).  Despite what we have been born believing, many of the aspects of life deemed "necessary," are the last things needed to thrive.  Though I was well aware of how the Paleo lifestyle benefits one's overall mental and physical health, taking the Primal Blueprint certification course helped me realize this on a whole new level.  I was always very excited to get through each module, so that I could go on to the next and learn more.   Whether looking to lose OR gain weight, expand one's athletic ability, or simply learn and grow in any aspect of everyday life, I highly recommend the Primal Blueprint Certification course. Through applying elements of ancestral  living, the essence of a vibrant, satisfactory, and truly healthy life, become readily available.  How can you not be excited?! If it were up to me, I would make this course a fundamental program for all ages. It takes the confusion and frustration out of life, an infuses it with fun, playful, and enjoyable components everyone should (and will) love. Though I have been researching information about the human body, and how all aspects of life affect it, the information presented in Mark Sisson's course was like unlike anything I had ever experienced. All in all, it gives you hope, reassurance, and guidance in a world so tangled and ensnared in the lies of conventional wisdom.   I don't care how much you think you do or do not know, if you are humanthis class is for youPersonally, I believe that there is never a time in life where one cannot grow or learn more, so what are you waiting for? 

Get Certified Here 

And (or) Follow 

If you have any other questions, please, feel free to email me!

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Psalm 146:6 "He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them-- he remains faithful forever." 


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