Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nourish Balance Thrive Guest Post

Just a couple of weeks ago, the lovely lady Julie Kelly of Nourish Balance Thrive, contacted me to be featured on her podcast, The Paleo Baby.  Both her and her husband offer a holistic business that fuses age old health solutions with modern scientific testing, both things that are right up my alley.  First things first, they help you must fix your diet, followed by balanced hormones, stress, and gut health, etc... Ultimately, following these steps can (and will) allow you to thrive as an individual, hence, Nourish - Balance - Thrive.  I am a firm believer in the fact that you can help heal yourself and take control of your health, regardless of how hopeless or far gone you may be.  Julie, who just so happens to be a "food scientist," has a similar passion as me for "all things edible," as well as the chemical equations behind the human body.  She and her husband Chris also have a beautiful daughter named Ivy, who is the inspiration behind The Paleo Baby, a podcast about growing up "all things Paleo."  Therefore, when they contacted to me to be a guest on their blog, I simply could not resist!
As many of you know, the PK Protocol is an IV and oral supplemental treatment that I am receiving for the effects of Chronic Lyme Disease.  Because this protocol is originally from Europe and therefore not super "popular" in American's conventional medicine, I decided to educate people on the amazing science behind Dr. Patricia Kane's protocol. You can view my guest post here.  

I also had the completely amazing (and at first, a bit nerve racking) opportunity to speak on Julie's podcast, The Paleo Baby. There, I touch on my journey with Chronic Lyme, the PK Protocol, and how I came to the Paleo diet and lifestyle.  Though I talk about my initial diagnosis with Lyme, truly it is only the tip of the deep, deep ice berg.  Therefore, if you have any other questions, please feel free to email me, or check out my previously posted articles here.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to reach others with information about Chronic Lyme, as well as the PK Protocol.  If you have not already, I encourage you to check out Julie and her husband's site. Not only are they genuinely wonderful individuals, but their take on medicine is truly the changing force that this world needs. Thriving in today's modern lifestyle may be rare, but it is certainly not impossible (nor incredibly difficult).  Everyone can (and should) learn their body, take back their health, and go above and beyond the standard level of living.  Yes, flourishing in a world  full conventional wisdom's deceiving lies is obtainable, and the folks behind Nourish Balance Thrive help you do just that. 

If you have not already, check out Chris and Julie's sight at Nourish Balance Thrive.  While you are at it, follow them on Facebook,  Instagram and Twitter, for all-things optimal health and wellness. 


Hebrews 12:28 "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,"

1 comment:

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