Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Paleo Debunking: Is Animal Protein Really Necessary?

"Not eating meat is a decision, eating meat is an instinct."

The statement that vegans/vegetarians are healthier than meat-eaters appears to be true, but only on the outside.  Do you ever see vegans gorging on alcohol, McDonalds, and smoking, all in which contribute to the rise of disease? Rarely.  Though somewhat of a stereotype, most vegans have a healthier lifestyle all around, as they frequently juice, eat salads, and exercise.  I have known quite a few vegans/vegetarians in my short 17 years of living, and though some were stricter than others, I have yet to see one commit to this way of eating for their entire life. Why? To put it simply, it is because protein, especially animal protein, is vital for thriving.  Through extensive research, anthropologists have discovered that the majority of our "hunter-gather" ancestors derived 50% or more of their calorie intake from animal sources. Protein makes up a large quantity of our tissue, and because essential amino acids are only found in meat, consuming adequate amounts is crucial in obtaining healthy muscle mass. Not only can we lose necessary weight from lack of meat, but our cells, nerves, enzymes, and hormones also become damaged, resulting in lowered immune function.  Without this source of amino acids, hunter-gatherers would not have been able to live up to their very name, proving that our bodies were created needing animal protein.

Vitamin B12

Probably one of the most well-known essential amino acids that our bodies need is vitamin B12.  Most non-meat eaters argue that this 1 of 8 key vitamins can be supplied through plants such as edible algae (seaweed, chlorella, spriulina). However, though these plants are thought to have moderate amounts of B12, what they truly contain are high amounts of analogues.  To put it simply, these cobamides, challenge the bodies surviving B12 from converting into usable nutrients, simultaneously increasing our need for it.  When this happens, our brains cannot think straight, nerve functions become compromised, and DNA cells are unable to detox/methylate.
*It is interesting to note that in studies testing strict vegans, all patients eventually suffered from the devastating effects of no meat, despite vitamin supplements and large amounts of plant protein.  Though vegetarians have less of a risk for these health problems, they are not completely out of the woods.  Nutrient rich foods such as free-range eggs, contain adequate amounts of B12.  However, our bodies are only able to absorb 9% of it, where as the percentage from grass-fed red meat is 77%. Dairy, though beneficial when raw, has become so highly pasteurized that, in the process, has lost all forms of key nutrients.  Therefore, since vitamin B12 is derived from bacteria, we must consume meat products in order for our bodies to absorb and store substantial amounts of this key B vitamin, as well as all other nutrients (zinc, iron, selenium, vitamin B3, B6, etc...).

Meat Causes Disease

Some avoid meat because they believe that it makes the body toxic, resulting in specific diseases such as kidney, heart, and cancer.  However, through many differing studies, there has been no evidence to support this claim.  Meat consumption does not result in kidney disease, nor do patients with a single kidney suffer from higher risk rates of developing such an illness.  Heart disease and meat consumption, as lightly discussed in my previous post, are also completely unrelated. Many believe that high cholesterol is effected by the foods we eat, and that by eating lower amounts of saturated fat (meat, eggs, butter, etc...), we are lessening our risk of a heart attack.  However, it has been proven that these foods are not related to the blood-work ordered by our doctors.  Truly, it is when the meat is processed, and the oils refined, that damage to our body occurs (not from the grass-fed beef and unrefined, extra-virgin EVOO!).  Instead of avoiding properly raised protein, give up the real triggers of heart disease; refined crop oils, sugar, processed carbs, tobacco, and stress, all that result in nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, damaged cells, and insulin resistant.  Protection against other diseases such as asthma, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and arthritis, is done by the omega-3 fatty acids found in food, which contain acids EPA and DHA. Because the conversion of these acids depends on the amount of zinc, pyridoxine, and iron in the body, vegans have up to 60% lower amounts of EPA and DHA, and vegetarian's 30%.  This is because, as pointed out earlier, when our bodies are not supplied with the key nutrients necessary for function, everything else cannot work properly.

*Tests by T. Colin Campbell actually proved that animal protein is not the underlying cause of cancer, nor can plant-protein help us fight against these potential health risks.  The real cause was the poison previously introduced into the two test groups.  Because animal protein stimulates the growth of tissue (bad or not), one group developed cancer markers. On the other hand, plant protein does not nourish our body the way meat does, which is why the other group suffered from damaged structures and dying cells, resulting in a much quicker death. Yet, when this test was repeated without previously poisoning the two groups, the group on animal protein ended up with incredibly healthy cells and protection against cancer, while the plant protein provided no such thing.

So how does this apply to us humans? Though we are not necessarily "injected" with poison (though I beg to differ about vaccines), the surplus of refined foods that we have been told for years are "healthy," is.  The saying, "You are what you eat," has proven the lies big industries have been promoting, and sheds light on the need for real food. As Liz Wolfe says in her book "Eat the Yolks,""If it is from Tyson or Perdue, than it is not for you!" 

In the end, it all comes down to eating a diet filled with a combination of wholesome meat and plants.  Unless you have a pre-existing medical condition, this healthy mixture will aid in helping you feel and live out the best life possible.  Am I saying that food is the answer to all of our health issues? Of course not! I for one am living proof of someone who ate right their entire life and still ended up with a severe illness.  Meat in general started giving me issues when my celiac artery was compressed, restricting blood-flow to my stomach.  Though surgery has fixed this issue, I still cannot digest fat due to my congested liver/gallbladder, which hits me hard with painful gallbladder attacks and morning sickness. As I have said before, everyone is different, and, if they are like me, who was born having a weaker tissue type, health issues may be more common. However, this is just one aspect of life. It is important to realize that nourishing our bodies is the best way possible to combat these obstacles of living on earth. We tend to give man-made food too much positive credit, while the devastating effects of it too little. When you put garbage in, you end up with garbage, regardless of if you feel it now or not.  My conclusion? Meat has never been proven to cause any health issues, and if anything, helps the body maintain a state of equilibrium.  I am not saying that every meal must include a big, 10 oz steak, that fills your entire plate. However, don't let false health claims scare you away from "grilling-it-up" this summer, but instead have fun and know you are doing your body a favor!

If your are interested in more information concerning meat, and how much we should eat, you can visit the following resources:

Genesis 1:28 "God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

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