Friday, June 6, 2014


Have eternal perspective. 

Ever feel like everything is against you? For me it is my health. You try and be hopeful, but the more days that pass, the worse off you are. Everything in your body is fighting against you, and all your efforts to help it are in vain because nothing works right. Your brain, heart, intestines, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, esophagus, eyes, muscles, bones, they are all screaming NO! They don't want to go on, but you know, somehow, you have to trick them into surviving.  You fight sleep with pain, only to wake up worse off than the night before.  Dead, would be the perfect way to describe it. Completely dead, with no drive left in your bones to keep on breathing.  So why then, should you keep going? If everything is seemingly against you living, why put so much effort into beating it? 
Well, regardless of if you beat it or not, you keep going because there is a purpose. That purpose? Glorifying God, even through the most inhumane circumstances. If you were supposed to be gone, dead, at this very moment, then you would be. But you are not. Somehow, after all that you have been through, you are still alive. You still have people looking out for you, loving on you, and doing whatever it takes to keep you going. Though your life does not look like the rest of your peers, you still have a great purpose. You were born on this earth for one reason, to prove the existence of God IS REAL and IS POWERFUL! Without this circumstance, you could not fulfill your life's purpose. Without this trial, your life would be pointless. God has a reason, whatever it is your going through.  You cannot see what exactly His plan is, but that is because we are only human, we are limited. God, however, is all-powerful, all-knowing. Nothing, not even the most awful issues, go unnoticed by Him. In the end, they are all to bring us closer to the Lord. If it makes you want to cry, that is ok. Cry out to Him, He is listening. 

Psalm 6:26 "Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken."


  1. I am over whelmed by your strength and testimony! You walk is inspiring and challenging to me personally. Rest assured beautiful God is pleased and glorified in and through you!

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words. I too have a limited diet( boiled meat and veg) for 8 years I have just been diagnosed with a tick bite infection. Your research has helped me.
