Saturday, July 26, 2014

Paleo Debunking: Hormones and Their Hidden Identity

When the word “hormone” is mentioned, what comes to mind?

Unless you are nearing the later years of womanhood, or a teenager going through the highs and lows of puberty, hormones are probably not anywhere on your “radar.”  It is true, hormones never seem to get the attention they deserve, and if anything, are usually advertised to the general public from a conventional, pharmaceutical standpoint.  Because most of the advertisements we see for hormones are in the form of TV commercials for men and women (i.e “Viagra”, “Planned Parenthood”, and other birth control pills), no one else seems to take notice of how misleading these synthetic pills actually are.  When the factors of poor diet, stress, and lack of exercise are added together, not only does the physical appearance of America suffer, but also many external issues. This is one reason why severe menopausal symptoms, autoimmune disorders, osteoporosis, birth defects, infertility, obesity, various cancers, and other major diseases continue to rise. Hormones, one of the most largely overlooked areas of true health, are effecting not only people here and now, but also the fate of future generations. So, whether you are an expecting mother, grandmother/father, parent, college student, teenager, or simply classify as a "human being," I encourage you to please keep reading. 

To begin, there are three definitions that come up online when searching the word “hormone.”  Keep in mind, the key to having the first two definitions balanced, is usually to avoid the third.
1. A regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood, to stimulate specific cells or tissue into action. 
2. A person’s sex hormones as held to influence behavior or mood.
3. A synthetic substance with an effect similar to that of an animal or plant hormone.

Three of the most well known hormones in the human body are estrogen, progesterone, and  testosterone. It is important to note that, when “estrogen” is mentioned, it does not simply mean one single hormone.  In fact, there is a whole class of hormones called “estrogen,” all in which have a different job to fulfill in the body.  Progesterone and testosterone on the other hand, are truly only one hormone with a single job. Though there are many differing hormones in the body, each one is quite similar in that it has the same basic structure.  However, with just a slight difference in the atom’s structure, each hormone has a significantly different role. When one hormone is transformed into another, it is done so through enzymes.  These substances only work properly when we supply our bodies with the much need vitamins and minerals (via real food & supplements).  Because of natural hormone’s molecular “blueprint,” synthetic, doctor prescribed versions (aka foreigners), mess with our enzymatic pathways, thus leading to illness and imbalances in the body.  Scary enough, these effects do not just stop at your body, but are passed from generation to generation, much like physical traits.  The more hidden toxins your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were exposed too, the more prone you are to their destructive consequences. 

Who are these foreign invaders? (*Click on the names to learn more)

Xenoestrogens: particularly harmful to the endocrine system (brain, adrenal, thyroid, and hormones). 
Xenobiotics: mostly made from petroleum oil, which then spreads through air, water, soil, and eventually into our bodies.  Because these toxins are non-biodegradable and sit in fatty tissues, once they enter the body, they are almost impossible to fully eliminate.
Organchlorines: By-products that are formed when the chlorine used by manufacturers is mixed with organic matter in the environment.  These chemicals are just as, if not more harmful than carcinogens.
Petrochemicals: Aka "pollutant" chemicals with the same basic structure as the bodies natural hormones. Because of their similar shape, these toxins are able to trick our hormone receptors into activating.

Though the 4 toxins listed above may not ring a bell, they are actually in many common household items including  plastics, medicines, foods, soaps, hair products, perfumes, clothing, etc...

What is the big deal?

Exposure to these factors can cause a wide range of symptoms in our everyday lives.  Not only do they suppress our immune system, and lower our bodies natural "fighting cells," they activate enzymes that damage DNA and cause illnesses such as cancer. Not only do xenobiotics harm humans, they also harm animals intoxicated by them as well.  This is why birds and alligators exposed to pesticide or gas spills end up with inability to reproduce, eggshell thinning, clubbed feet, etc...If these health defects are so widely noticed and addressed for animals, why are they simultaneously ignored for us humans? One example is DES, a synthetic estrogen supplement (aka a toxic, one of many synthetic forms of xenoestrogens) given to many pregnant women, was supposed to prevent miscarriage, fight against cancer, and menopausal symptoms.  Instead, it proved to actually cause cancer, birth defects, and infertility.  Children whose mother were on DES while pregnant, were also shown to be more prone to "change" genders, due to the truly damaging effects of fetal sexual development in their first trimester.  Despite microwaves being harmful to your health in general, studies on microwaving with plastic wrap in particular proved to produce 10,000,000 more carcinogens than the FDA actually allows.   So, after all of this rather overwhelming information, how do I limit exposure without living in a hole? Below I have listed some of the most frequently used or experienced toxins, as well as links to further information on the topic.

Avoid/Limit: (*Clink on names for further information)
Pesticides, Herbicides, & fungicides
*Industrialized meat and dairy product are given estrogen growth hormones and (or) are strictly fed pesticide sprayed grains to fatten them up for slaughter. This is why eating organic, non-GMO foods is so important.  Xenoestrogen tainted products are one of the main reasons why brain, breast, and liver (i.e. fatty tissue) cancer have become so prevalent.  Unless a meat, fruit, vegetable, or dairy product is noted otherwise, all non-organic foods are sprayed with one of these three toxic chemicals.  Studies showed that children eating non-organic fruit/veggies had 6x the amount pesticide by-products in their body than those eating organic varieties. If we are what we eat, and what we eat consumes toxins, then our bodies become toxic, bottom line.
Dry Cleaning Chemicals & Mainstream Detergents 
Solvents, adhesives, skin products, hair products, toothpaste, & plastic *Products such as nail polish, paint remover, fabric softeners, perfumes, bug sprays, and glue can all have both immediate and long term, chronic effects on the central nervous system.  The ever-growing number of these products is one of the main reasons why memory loss, fatigue, attention deficients, anxiety, personality disorders, and incoordination have all become so common in young children. Solvents also have a highly damaging effect on developing babies, which is why some states require warnings to pregnant women on all nail products.  *Phthalate compounds are found in common household items such as bottled water and toddler toys.  If a developing baby is exposed to these chemicals, severe birth defects can/will occur.


With all the items listed above (and I only mentioned a few), you may feel somewhat hopeless.  After all, many of these products have become inevitable factors of living in an industrialized nation.  However, limiting you and your families exposure is not impossible, as long as you can truly see the horrible and immense impact they are having on people everywhere.  Some ways to decrease these toxins and support hormonal balance are by having wood flooring, using organic shampoo and deodorant, drinking from a glass water-bottle, ditching Tide and using Seventh Generation to clean clothes, steering clear from mainstream medical advice, finding a Dr. using bioidentical hormone replacement, getting enough sleep, decreasing stress, and of course eating local/organic foods. Below I have listed some other interesting and helpful articles, in hopes to make the subject a bit more understandable. 

The Hormone Diet Connection
How to Treat Hormone Imbalance
Female Hormone Invaders
Say No to HTR
Skin Products to Avoid
BalancedBites Podcast: Stress and Hormones -Either listen to the entire talk, or skip to around minute 32 for some great insight on hormone balance. 
Petroleum in the Bathroom?!
Detoxing Your Home
Top Organic Detergents
Common Household Toxins

John. R. Lee M.D., "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause," A Breakthrough Book on Natural Hormone Balance

Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

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