Saturday, August 2, 2014

Paleo Black Raspberry Custard Pie

"No shadow comes, without the light making a way."

Are you not happy about your present situation? Feel as though God's blessing fell short when it came your "turn in line?" It is easy for us humans to get down in the dumps concerning our place in life. Sometimes, it is as though we just need something to look forward too, in order to keep our spirits lifted. As you would imagine, being sick for many years has its fair share of these moments. It can happen in times that I become "sick of being sick," tired of only having enough energy to rest, or when the hope of something new to help me seems like it will never actually happen. 
If you have read previous posts, you will know that starting the PK Protocol through a doctor in NY has been in the works.  It is exciting to think that there may be another option to push my body out of the never ending, never healing cycle that it is in.  After getting the first infusion my second visit to NY, we were quite hopeful that they would continue right away as discussed.  However, after long and exhausting car trips, getting the wrong IV supplies in the mail, and multiple miscommunications between nurses, my much anticipated treatment ended up being delayed longer than anyone would have liked. 
After doing everything in our ability to get my IV started, there came a time when I realized there was literally nothing more that could be done on our end of the deal, and all we could do was wait.  Not only was I drained of energy as I normally am, but my friends and family were all tired of trying to make things right.  After accepting the fact that the situation was out of our control, I came to the conclusion that really, this is our true position through everything in life. See, we tend to go around controlling our circumstances so that they benefit us, thinking it is by our own decisions and energy that things happen according to our desires.   It usually takes until the tables have turned, and people or events do not cooperate like they were supposed too, for us to realize that this power-seeking attitude is really a prideful and deceiving way of life.  When things do not go our way, or seem to be getting worse instead of better, we automatically try fixing the problem through our own limited efforts.  
Now, I am not saying that every time something goes wrong in a day that what we wanted to happen had bad intentions behind it.  However, when something does turn off course, it is key to realize that the reason behind this "change of plans" was not intended to hurt us, but to bring about something greater. There may have been a flaw in our seemingly well thought out plan, but that does not mean the good is gone or the future ruined. Over every turmoil, inconvenient, or painful reroute in our life, Someone greater is watching out for you, and is taking care of things.  Therefore, the once frustrating and tiresome event is no longer a burden, but simply part of His original and perfect plan for you. Cease striving to fix things and simply enjoy being in God's presence of unfailing love that is independent from all circumstances. Don't let tunnel vision blind you from the truth that through Jesus, every occurrence in life will and does end in the very best possible. 

It is not easy to give God absolute control, and doing so might lead to tears, anger, and exhaustion in the process.  Sometimes, I let negative thoughts enter my brain, the "what ifs" start to take over, and I try to figure out the future that was once so perfectly aligned.  It all seems to be going down hill, and maybe in "reality" it really is. However, this is when God's power becomes all too real. I know that somehow, no matter how messed up and twisted my situation might seem from a human perspective, it will always end up better then I had planned out. Not only does it all work out for good, but it is in times of utter hopelessness that we all are taught to be patient, and realize that God is always faithful to pull us through. As Carson Tinker says in his book, "A Season to Remember," stay focused on the vision, not the circumstance. We have a choice, out of the dozens of things occurring around us, which ones we will dwell on. Naturally, it is the painful, stress-filled things our bodies and brain pick up the most. However, if we stop and consciously think through what is happening, it is much easier to pick out and dwell on the good aspects.  Sometimes, these good things, end up being the small things.  

Every summer near our beach cottage, wild black raspberries grow in the thick bushes of weeds and poison ivy that line the marshland.  Trying to pick them is definitely not easy, and beating the birds is a whole greater challenge.  However, getting these hidden gems, as hard as it might be, is completely worth it. Picking berries alone by the beach, with the sound of crashing surf in the background, dogs barking, and kids playing is incredibly peaceful, and very stress relieving.  At first I was not sure what to do with the over abundance of berries, since this summer I've made many different crumbles, pies, and tarts. We are also moving out of our cottage, making baking supplies far and few between.  Because a crust means double the ingredients, and about double the more prep time, I chose to skip this aspect of the dessert. My black raspberries are tart, due to being wild, so you many need less sugar in your pie depending on the fruit chosen. However, any berry would be fabulous, especially regular blackberries or blueberries, as they are now in season.  

Black Raspberry Custard Pie
  • 1, 13.5 oz can full fat coconut milk 
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3/4-1 cup coconut sugar
  • 3 tbsp tapioca starch
  • 1/4 cup almond flour 
  • 2 1/2 cups black raspberries or blackberries 
  • 9 inch pie plate
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • In a blender or food processor, combine first 6 ingredients and blend until fully combined.
  • Add remaining tapioca and almond flour and blend in with the rest of the mixture.
  • Grease the pie plate with the coconut oil.
  • Sprinkle one cup of berries onto the pie plate and pour mixture over the berries.
  • Carefully add the next 1 cup of berries to the custard base and put into hot oven.
  • Bake for 50 minutes or until brown around the edges.
  • Once out of the oven, sprinkle the rest 1/2 berries over the top of the pie.
  • Cool for at the least a hour and then place into the fridge to further chill.
Micah 7:7 "As for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior, my God will hear me."

1 comment:

  1. 3 Researches SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

    This means that you actually kill fat by consuming Coconut Fat (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 studies from big medicinal magazines are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world upside down!
