Thursday, November 13, 2014

Paleo Molasses-Spice Cookies (AIP Friendly)

Today's recipe is one that I am very excited to share.  Ok, maybe I am always enthusiastic every time I post a recipe, however, this one I am really happy about.  Growing up, it has always been a family tradition to make Christmas cookies together.  Though random types will get thrown into the mix, two standard recipes that are NEVER missed include both of Martha Stewart's molasses and sugar cookies.  Therefore, if I were to describe the essence of Christmas time, it would be the smell of these two cookies baking in the oven.

Though my family and I have continued to bake these regardless of my illness, I have always wondered if I could somehow duplicate them for those with allergies and (or) a chronic illness like myself.  First, I decided to tackle Martha's chewy molasses cookies, and let me tell you, I succeeded!  You know a recipe is a keeper, when those with no allergies, restrictions, and plenty of opinions, like them.  Though free of grains, dairy, eggs, nuts, coconut, and refined sugar, today's cookies were fully approved (and equally loved) by my family and friends.  What was even more rewarding, was the wonderful aroma that spread throughout the entire house while they were baking.

The recipe itself makes an odd number of 19 cookies when rolled into 1 tbsp balls.  However, if you use a standard cookie dough scoop, it will most likely result in a dozen.  Rolling the cookie dough balls in maple sugar is optional, and not altogether necessary, but if you are one for the classic look of molasses cookies, I would say go right ahead. All in all, with a crispy outside, and chewy interior, these festive cookies are sure to be a hit with anyone you know.  However, whether or not you will want to share them is debatable...You can pin the recipe here, please enjoy!

Molasses-Spice Cookies

Print Recipe
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  • In a food processor, fitted with the "S" attachment," blend dates for 30-45 seconds until chopped up.
  • Dump the date mixture into a bowl and set aside.
  • Back in the food processor, pulse together the  3/4 cup of tapioca flour, water chestnut flour, baking soda, 3/4 tsp cinnamon, sea salt, and 1/2 tsp ginger.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together oil, molasses, and maple syrup.
  • With the food processor running, pour wet mixture into dry, allowing a ball of dough to form.
  • Add chopped date mixture, pulsing until just combined.
  • On a parchment lined baking sheet, form dough into balls, rolling in a small ramekin of maple sugar if desired, and placing 2 inches apart from each other.
  • With the back of a large spoon or the palm of your hand, press the cookie dough down half way. 
  • Place sheet in the oven and allow to cook for approximately 13 minutes.
  • Take out of the oven and let the cookies cool for 10 minutes.
  • Once slightly cooled, transfer cookies onto a wire rack to continue cooling down. *After another 5-10 minutes, the cookies should be ready to eat.

Philippians 3:12 "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."


  1. Hi,

    Can I use another type of flour since I am not able to get hold of water chestnut flour?

    Thanks :)

    1. Janne, though I have not ever tried to make these with another flour, you may be able to use coconut or another nut flour (If you can handle that). The water chestnut flour gives the cookie a good stability, if you tried coconut, I would start with 1/4 cup and slowly add up until a workable dough has formed. I am not sure how close the two are related in that I know coconut tends to soak up ALOT of moisture. However, it may be worth a shot :) I would love to hear back on the results if you do try!

  2. Sorry if this is a comment disappeared, and my log in came up instead, so I am posting again. Do you think I can use Medjool Dates instead?

    1. It is ok, don't worry about it! You can definitely use medjool, or any other type of date you have on hand :)
